Who We Are and What We BelieveOur church is Christ-centered and welcoming. Our welcome goes out to all who are seeking the love of God, and we extend that love in Christ. We believe we are all children of God, brothers and sisters with one another. Our focus is on forgiveness and relationship, not judgment. We believe in the universal reconciliation of all to God through the saving grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We promote love of heaven, not fear of hell, and we proclaim the faith that no one is beyond the reach of God's mercy.
We invite one and all to come and hear the story of God's infinite love and redeeming grace. As wounded and imperfect Christians ourselves, we welcome the confused, the lonely and those who feel marginalized. We believe in the power of prayer, the joy of good works, and the fruits of fellowship, in this life as well as the life to come. We are a church of hope rather than of hardened doctrine. The foundation of our faith is the Bible, and we preach the Bible as God's living word, speaking God's personal message of hope to each individual. Let a thousand flowers bloom in Christ's garden!
Facebook page for Gaines Congregational UCC https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=gaines%20congregational%20ucc
Rev. Don Algeo's Blog: https://donalgeo.wordpress.com/
Facebook page for Gaines Congregational UCC https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=gaines%20congregational%20ucc
Rev. Don Algeo's Blog: https://donalgeo.wordpress.com/